Tracy Lingle, from My Chow Line, sat down with Hots & Cots app developer/founder Rob Evans. Rob shared about his service in the Army and also discussed his application and the issues he sees with the current climate regarding food and housing in the military.

We dive into how his app is used by soldiers and sailors to help with reporting of both delicious and inedible foods as well as the conditions and quality of service found on military installations. We also discuss the implications this has on morale and the stigma around reporting issues to the chain of command. We address current issues of the reports of the $151 million taken from the BAS (Basic Allowance Sustenance) and where it potentially went, the culture of the DFAC cadre, and why some facilities are amazing while others struggle to meet meal quotas in order to stay open.

This topic of food and housing issues for our enlisted goes deeper than just serving good food and a bed to sleep in. It affects morale and the overall retention in the armed forces. If soldiers don't feel they are being treated right, how can we expect them to want to stay after the end of contract or encourage others to join? There is a lot of talk from officers and leadership to improve the system and even boards put together to address the issue.

However, I fear most of these are just commanders putting another report in the file for their resume and not following up on any of it. Each base has different needs and missions; why are we not looking to those that are actually affected? Why are they not involved to help drive the change and report issues to command? Let the E-4 Mafia shed some light and have a little power in what they need and would like to see changed. You might be surprised at what you find. Ultimately, the current climate is poor; transparency and changes are needed in many areas. It will be interesting to see what happens next. We at AFP are committed to stay on top of this and make sure our soldier's quality of life is kept at the forefront.

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