STARRS fulfills its mission

In late 2020, I connected with Lt Gen Rod Bishop (USAF, Ret) over the Hunter Biden laptop and its contents. Our discussions continued and we eventually realized that an organization needed to be set up to return the service academies to their rightful mission - to create warrior leaders for our nation's armed forces.
The DEI/CRT agenda was in full swing, but we really didn't realize how far it had advanced until President* Biden entered The White House and the full extent of the Marxist agenda became clear.
With the help of many other concerned academy graduates, who did much more work than me, STARRS was that is, a non-profit dedicated to educating the public and Congressional leadership on the existential threat of Maoism in our military.
The confirmation of Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense marks a turning point in the fight to right our military ship. Hegseth shares the values of STARRS and has in fact been in communication with the leadership over the years.
I can say our graduates never gave up on doing what was right, to call out the treason we saw, and tell our fellow Americans our concerns.
I'm an Air Force grad but the other academies stepped us as well.
I hope the full story of how our military graduates came together when their nation called will some day be told.
SECDEF Pete Hegseth has long understood the dangerous threats against the United States, namely the Non-Kinetic Warfare of cultural Marxism that has been a cancer eating the U.S. Military from the inside out, dividing us and weakening our military. He will be instrumental in bringing the ethos of Duty, Honor, Country back to our service academies and E Pluribus Unum back to our military—out of many, one, declared Matthew Newgent, Board Member & VP of Donor Relations, MacArthur Society of West Point Graduates.
"This is the happiest I have been in my entire military career. Spirits are soaring in my unit," said one Air Force graduate.
"Our Commander in Chief has been very clear that we are returning our country and our military to a focus on merit-not "equity" as in DEI. Who better to be the man in charge of changing the culture in DOD that someone who wrote a book about it and has served our country so honorably in Gitmo, Iraq and Afghanistan. Hearty congratulations to Pete Hegseth--our new Secretary of Defense!" declared Lt Gen Rod Bishop.
The Senate confirmed Pete Hegseth as Defense Secretary after Vance cast his vote and broke the tie 51-50.
Now Secretary Hegseth has to execute.
I look forward to continuing the fight with my fellow warriors.
Let's finish the job and make our academies great again!
Smear campaigns from Dumbacats didn't work! Go get them Pete! MAGA!
Hallelujah! It’s all happening-may God guide Pete(and his staff) in his efforts! ❤️🇺🇸