• Air Force Colonel In Line For Promotion Preaches DEI Agenda, Endorses CRT Book

    August 18, 2023
    Views: 3504
    Air Force Col. Ben Jonsson

    In the weeks following George Floyd’s death in 2020, a U.S. Air Force officer—currently awaiting promotion to brigadier general—accused his fellow “white colonels” of being the “biggest barriers” to addressing “racial injustice” in the military and being “blind to institutional racism.”

    Col. Ben Jonsson’s 825-word commentary in the Air Force Times on July 1, 2020, recounts several examples of what he describes as “white defensiveness” in the aftermath of Floyd’s death. Jonsson concludes with an endorsement of critical race theory promoter Robin DiAngelo’s controversial book, “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.”

    “Dear white colonel, it is time to give a damn. Aim High,” Jonsson wrote...

    To read more visit The Daily Signal.

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    Amy Williams


    Francesco Giardina

    Racism thoughts like this want to be General only perpetuates more racism. I has ABSOLUTELY no place in the military especially among the leadership. DO NOT PROMOTE.


    Dear White Col. U.S.A.F. is not a racist organization, America is not a evil country. Climate change is not our biggest threat. Funds spent and wasted on D.E.I. training etc would be better spent on combat training, medical care for the troops, facility repair etc...V/R yours.

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