Austin is concerned about Trump's willingness to use the military to enforce the U.S. border. The Constitution requires the military to do precisely that.

Secretary of Defense Austin admonished cadets to defend the Constitution in a recent West Point, NY speech. His statement comes at a time when Biden administration officials display increasing concerns over Trump using the military to help secure the Southern Border of the United States.
“We defend government of the people, by the people, and for the people — and we do not bend on matters of honor, integrity, or law,” Austin said at West Point. “We are here to protect our people, to defend our country, and to uphold our Constitution. And that is not negotiable.” Austin stated.
However, the military defending America's borders is a constitutional requirement, not a point of concern.
If anyone is wondering if this is true, the picture below shows the Constitution's plain language.

The language is clear: "...shall protect each of them against Invasion;..." There is no other way to describe what is happening to America: a cross-border invasion perpetrated by many nations and organizations. Therefore, the military must serve along the border for the time being, as this invasion is our nation's greatest national security concern.
There is no better way to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic," than by protecting it from an invasion perpetrated by millions of people.
Austin is another example of an appointed politician who calls for the defense of the Constitution and fails to understand what it says or who willingly defies the people and the Constitution in pursuit of a more sinister agenda.
Technically, Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution provides that the United States Congress is the sole governmental entity that is authorized to respond to invasion.
The Congress shall have Power . . .
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.
Lloyd Austin wouldn't know the Constitution if he had it stuffed up his ass.
DEI SECDEF is on his way OUT.
Austin is a perfect example of a major CRT-DEI hire. He also abandoned his post by disappearing for a week. Sadly, the unprincipled morally bankrupt, and spineless Republicans will do nothing to hold any of the traitors accountable.