• Biden Thanks Coast Guard Member For Hurricane Rescue -- Days Before Vax Mandate Firing

    October 4, 2022
    Views: 3056

    President Biden thanked a US Coast Guard member for saving lives during Hurricane Ian — only for the hero rescue swimmer to reveal he will soon be discharged for not being vaccinated against COVID-19.

    “I told him how proud of him I was and thanked him for all the work he and his Coasties are doing to save lives,” Biden said Friday of his call with Aviation Survival Technician Second Class Zach Loesch, Fox News reported.

    The president also spoke with Lt. Cmdr. Christopher Hooper.

    “The President thanked them for saving lives and asked for a report on the work that continues to rescue Floridians. He also asked if they needed any additional support that he can provide to accelerate successful rescues,” the White House said in a readout.

    But despite the tribute, Loesch told Breitbart News that he is among the service members poised to be discharged in 30 to 60 days for not following Biden’s edict making the jabs mandatory in the military.

    Aviation Survival Technician Second Class Zach Loesch.
    Zach Loesch is one of 2,632 Coast Guard members who refused to get a vaccine.

    To read more visit the NY Post.

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    Ann Arbor

    I am sorry for the wrongful disciplinary action, but he is right to refuse the vaccine. I regret I got mine. The mRNA effectively “alters” the recipient’s genetics by altering the DNA during replication. Shortly after my second vaccine I developed a “wet cough” which developed into animmunoglobulin disorder where none existed in me or my family history. I am now struggling. I was misled by the medical profession as this adverse reaction was known. The vaccine is my life’s regret.

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