AFP was on-scene at Mar-a-Lago reporting live as America's Future, a non-profit chaired by LTG Michael Flynn (USA, Ret) awarded military whisteblowers during the Biden regime who changed history.

You can watch the entire ceremony below, hosted by former Green Beret Ivan Raiklin.

Matthew Lohmeier is the Trump administration's candidate for Undersecretary of the Air Force. Lohmeier gained fame after being relived of command and discharged from the U.S. armed forces over a discussion of his book - Irresistible Revolution, which highlighted the insidious nature of a Marxist takeover of the Department of Defense.

Below is the interview that got LT Col Lohmeier fired from the U.S. Space Force.

LTC Theresa Long blew the whistle on vaccine injuries in Army aviation.

US Navy Commander Rob Green fought against vaccine mandates in the U.S. Navy on active duty.

Former Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller openly criticized military leadership over the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan which resulted in the unneeded deaths of 13 military personnel.

LT Col Carolyn Rocco, USAF, fought against illegal vaccine mandates.