As I mentioned in another article, I have several thousand hours in high-performance rotary-wing aircraft flying for a Tier One Special Operations unit.
Mid-air collisions do happen.
In my experience, they typically happen on a no-moon night with very low visibility while on night-vision googles, during low visibility in bad weather, while flying in close formation, or when one aircraft makes a violent movement and a close-by aircraft cannot move in time to avoid a collision.
In fact, I am not aware of a collision where an aircraft is on a straight flight path, for a long time, on a clear night, and hits another aircraft essentially flying at the same altitude with massive landing and navigation lights illuminated.
There were two pilots and a crew chief on board. The crew chief's job is to scan for other aircraft when he's not busy.
The co-pilot should have also been scanning constantly (DC is a busy operational area and any well-trained crew would be doing so).
I think the question at least needs to be investigated as to whether this was a suicide crash.
We have motive - President Trump's election and the malicious media narrative that he was going to literally 'kill gay people' or put them in prison.
Today the Blackhawk helicopter's pilot-in-command was identified as Captain Rebecca Lobach.
An apparent lesbian who attended pride events, as the family's statement seems to have confirmed, would be especially cognizant of the President's order to remove transgenders from the military.
Then there is the political angle, as Captain Lobach literally worked inside the Biden White House.
A proper investigation would reveal if there were any signs Captain Lobach was upset over developments and political change in America.
This can't be swept under the rug. We need to know what happened.
I would think the family of the deceased would want an investigation to put aside any doubts.
Wow - good info to take into consideration. Leftists have been demonstrating fits of raging-hysteria lately, so it wouldn't be outside of the realm of possibilities.
IDK if it was suicide but was there someone on the plane who “didn’t kill themselves”. The Blackhawk was on a beeline for that jet like it meant business.
as a gun owner, I wouldn't use a gun if and when I decide to see myself out; it would betray all the other gunowners who never break the law.
if this is true, what a betrayal of the LGBTQBVDs.
What crap! I’m a former Army pilot with 5,000+ hours both military and civilian. While the lady may have been a PIC the IP on this flight was the AC.
As usual some Air Farce second class fling wing driver wants to toot his own horn by throwing other pilots under the bus.
If he was any kind of a professional he would shut his pie hole about his wild theories, aimed at division, and wait until the accident review board announces their determinations.
Are you gay? You don't believe sodomites would do this. Look up what a sodomite did to one of our battleships. He killed 47 sailors. USS Iowa explosion blamed on Hartwig - UPI Archives The lesbian was a Biden aid in the White House and a pride event lover.
You might want to read your history from, actual accounts of history. The navy tried to blame the blast on the gay, it was an easy scapegoat for them to cover that they were doing illegal tests on the guns. No, the military would NEVER cover anything up would they? Naaahhh
Looking into his bio, Mr. Wood flew MH-53J Pave Low IIIE aircraft - Doing a mission which at the time the Army did not have the capability to do. I don't think 'second class' is an appropriate comment to be honest. There were more astronauts than Pave Low pilots.
Here is insight>>>
oh a kamikaze mission
That was my thinking, and it is a legitimate question, imho
Or... It's a TERRORISM.because such collision could've been avoided with CAS aboard besides visual inputs...
Not sure where you are going. What was the end game? Unless the AC and crew chief were incapacitated, how did she manage to steer so close to the jet?
Yes, there are a lot of questions to be asked but let's be realistic.
The crash should have never happened. So there is that.
The gentleman just said that a suicide mission had to be "considered". Given the facts as presented there is no reason other than "political" for this "possibility" to not be "considered"
Are they Lying about if the Gold Top Blackhawk was equiped with AI Autonomous ability ?
I tend to think speculation at this point could be harmful to the outcome of the investigation. On the other hand, NOTHING should be ruled as to causative effect, and I mean nothing.
"450 hrs of flight time." This gets reported like it's a lot of time. How much time as PIC? I have 50,000 hrs driving a car. Does that mean I can never be in an accident? Would a semi-truck driver hauling an 80,000-pound load with 450 hrs behind wheel be considered an experienced driver? It's obvious the ARMY is trying to use flight time to imply that she was experienced and therefor fault must lie elsewhere. Fault lies with whoever authorized this under-manned COG (what a joke) mission.
She was a lesbian. Not a transgender. Lesbians have existed in the military for long time the same with gays.it was always a closeted though. But, like pointed out already. Who was on the aircraft?
Suicide mission possible with the levels of hatred going around, left to right. I could understand it more, as this, if we knew whom they were after.
As the article expressed, Trump banned DEI, which offended the trans pilot. Her Facebook post has been scrubbed. She posted, according to RT, that she vilified Trump for the DEI. It was a straight line to the Place, and they even tried to get out of the way. The gay community has a much higher incidence of suicide and depression. It was death by suicide.