EMP is the Boogeyman lurking on the sidelines of the showdown between the PRC and the US led world systems.

Electro-Magnetic Pulses (EMP) caused by airborne nuclear blasts have been a concern since the height of the Cold War. The EMP surge could potentially knock out all electronics over a vast area of the United States.
China just conducted a test (see article below). This is not good on several possible angles. The test could have the following implications
- China prepping for first strike
- China has figured out EMP protection on its own equipment
- China has done realistic test and come to the conclusion that EMP affects are not what some have made them out to be, which could encourage a first strike
- The Intelligence Community has been reporting China has 500 nuclear warheads for years and now suddenly says they can have 1,000 by 2030. I would suggest both numbers are significant undercounts
- The only answer to this dangerous threat: DJT on January 20, 2025

DOD didn't do anything about the storied CCP balloon until a big enough alarm was raised, then Milley insisted it not be shot down until it was over the Atlantic.
He might have called his counterpart up and told him to get it out of there?
Another one reported, and it was minimized and let be. We have the PLA well established in the US (7 brigades), the CCP owning huge tracts of land with military grade runways. I do not understand! Is DOD cooperating with Overthrow by the CCP?
Trump 2024!!
Most electronic devices will survive.
That's whats I've been given to understand. EMP is nit new and service and device capabilities gave been discussed for years.