The Republic of Palau stands up to China

I've attached a very important article about how China is using cyber capabilities to beat up on a small, sovereign country called the Republic of Palau (18,000 citizens - the Pentagon has a larger population). Palau is at the bottom of what is called the Second Island Chain in the Western Pacific. Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Tinian, and Saipan. The last three are sovereign American Territory, these are US Citizens. Defense of Taiwan depends on the Second Island Chain.
China is using its cyber capabilities to break, enter, and steal documents from Palau and interfere in their elections.
Palau needs help - the tip of the spear for cyber help should be State Department, Ambassador Fick. Job one in Cyber is to assign responsibility. Ambassador Fick should be all over this.

Well I’m not holding my breath - the Global Engagement Center at State Department is focused on targeting, silencing, and censoring American Citizens instead of selling the American story of our incredible Constitutional Republic abroad.
A High Tech Suggestion: Unplug island gov officials' computers.