They are storming the Southern Border into the continental United States, but they are already in place in Guam, Tinian, and Saipan

We have it bad back in the lower 48 states of the Union, but even more concerning are the two U.S. Territories of Guam and the Northern Marianna Islands (Tinian and Saipan).

Legally (via tourist visas) and illegally, Chinese nationals are pouring into these American Territories which are sovereign American territory and these Territorial residents are American Citizens.

These Islands comprise the top end of the Second Island Chain and all Western Pacific warplans depend upon the harbors and airfields of these islands to project force for the defense of Taiwan.

Indo-Pacific Command may be busy, but they need to ensure that the Contingency Plans for the Western Pacific include force structure to deal with this onslaught of Chinese nationals that are likely armed in one way or another and intend to cause mayhem on Critical Infrastructure and U.S. Posts, Camps, and Stations.

Reprinted with permission ColRetJohn Substack