They are storming the Southern Border into the continental United States, but they are already in place in Guam, Tinian, and Saipan
We have it bad back in the lower 48 states of the Union, but even more concerning are the two U.S. Territories of Guam and the Northern Marianna Islands (Tinian and Saipan).
Legally (via tourist visas) and illegally, Chinese nationals are pouring into these American Territories which are sovereign American territory and these Territorial residents are American Citizens.
These Islands comprise the top end of the Second Island Chain and all Western Pacific warplans depend upon the harbors and airfields of these islands to project force for the defense of Taiwan.
Indo-Pacific Command may be busy, but they need to ensure that the Contingency Plans for the Western Pacific include force structure to deal with this onslaught of Chinese nationals that are likely armed in one way or another and intend to cause mayhem on Critical Infrastructure and U.S. Posts, Camps, and Stations.
Reprinted with permission ColRetJohn Substack
Shoot them as spies.
Thousands of young military Chinese men have come freely across our Southern border and have dispersed across this country. They did not come here for jobs and better life. That many military age men do not just get up one day and leave China for the United States. They are sent here, they are highly trained in terrorist and cyber attack. Joe Biden has let these terrorist in our country. Blood on his has when they strike.
I'd ask what credible sources you could cite to back up these claims but I'm pretty sure you're just making things up to fuel your own paranoia
Your Obama trained them in Camp Greyling, MI, and TX, in 2014 and 2015. Surprised smartgonkeys like you don't already know that...
Who cares about who's hand the blood will be on? I know it's too late but why in the hell has Biden not been charged with treason and all of his administration banned from ever working anything other than hard manual labor or anything other than in our gov. Making decisions? Our military has taken an oath to fight against things like this FOREIGN and DOMESTIC! So why is he still any kind of leader here?
There are a number of sources reporting on the young chinese coming through Mexico, the Darien Gap of Panama, and through our northern border. Michael Yon is a war correspondent and he has been in the Gap viewing the chinese. He has tried to interview them but they don't want to talk. He regularly interviews others. You have to go to alternate news reporters to get news or you are left with propaganda or non reporting. Another site is Centers for Security run by Frank Gaffney. He does weekly.
American militias would be standing prepared, locked and loaded if they had access to the same weapons every Tom,Dick, and Harry in EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD HAS BEEN SUPPLIED by our patriot leaders who always take the side of the whiners--oh well.
Oh don't worry, we've got Sleepy Joe at the helm. Count on him to 1. do nothing, except 2. apologize to the Chines for (fill in the blank).
Call Trump and ask why he put the kibosh on the border deal.
Let me get this straight, F15s in Guam are going down but the ones in the US that he'd have shoot up US citizens would be safe....delusion.
Ask Yamamoto how THAT worked out....
Probing of U.S military bases by Chicom operators, fake tourists, students, etc etc et al is going on at many facilities all over the world- near daily seems like, according to the news. Our military bases are far to open and security needs to be ramped up now right now and access tightened up asap- before it is to damn late. Don't believe it? Read the news and talk to some GI's about it. Its damn serious and a very real threat.