In the recently passed NDAA, Congress mandated the Pentagon study the effects of the Covid vaccine on U.S. troops. The gene therapy was mandated on the force with devastating side effects.
The question now is whether or not the Department of Defense will be allowed to whitewash the results as they have done now for years.
Included in the annual defense authorization bill passed by Congress earlier this month is language calling for “a study to assess and evaluate any health conditions and adverse events arising in service members on active duty one year after receiving the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.” Researchers will be required to report their findings back to lawmakers in December 2024, writes the Military Times.
Of course, the woke military press instantly blames 'conservative lawmakers' and tells you in advance that there were not substantial issues with the administering of what is essentially a bioweapon, developed by DoD itself.
That is of course a massive lie.
The medical and career effects of the program were, and still are diabolically damaging to our military.
This is the corrupt administrative national security state investigating itself.
We are not positive the outcome of this study will be accurate.
The study will look at “any health condition developed after receiving such first dose, regardless of whether the condition is attributable to the receipt of such first dose,” and “an accounting of adverse events including hyperimmune response” linked to the vaccine.
This is just the vehicle the government will use to absolve themselves.