The U.S. military has a racism problem alright, and a corruption problem as well. However, it's not in the rank and file, it's in the senior officer corp, and civilian leadership.
See the incident below where a general officer (Ohio National Guard Adjutant Maj. Gen. John Harris) threatens and attempts to assault a black reporter simply doing his job during OH Governor DeWine's press conference on the train derailment/chemical fire. This is the way they roll in Beijing; it's not supposed to be like this in the United States of America. We have a free press corp, General, and free speech to boot.
When I was the U.S. armed forces, people were relieved of command for such behavior.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has forced the prosecution of U.S. military members who refused to take the Covid mRNA gene therapy injections, falsely called 'vaccines'. He has continue to allow service members to be persecuted after Congress removed the Covid-19 vaccine mandate. He has allowed the coverup of a massive increase in deadly side effects with service members after taking the injection. He is pushing Marxism throughout the armed forces with critical race theory (CRT).
Lt. General Richard Clark, USAFA Superintendent forced his cadets to take the vaccines, even in the face of prolific evidence the injections were dangerous and did not work against the virus. He even forced a cancer survivor to get vaccinated in the face of evidence the injections harm one's immune system. He has pushed critical race theory at the Academy which is an attempt to divide the races and harm the force. He then told falsehoods about his racist agenda at the institution.
One Air Force cadet recently died on the way to class with a blood clot in his lung, which the academy blamed on a 'football injury', when it is common knowledge the vaccinated are experiencing blood clots, coronary issues, and sudden death.
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General Mark Milley, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has undermined civilian control of the military by working behind the duly-elected President's back in communicating with the Chinese Communist Party on nuclear policy. He has worked to divide the force with critical race theory. He has pushed the 'vaccines'. He is worried about 'white rage'.
General Darryl Williams, commanding general of United States Army Europe and Africa, previously the Superintendent of the United States Military Academy at West Point, oversaw the implementation of CRT among the Cadet Corp and enabled the persecution of cadets who did not want to take the vaccine.
If this isn't racism and corruption? What is?