• General, West Point Professor Ran Shadow Investigation To Hunt Down And Silence Military Whistleblower For Mean Tweets

    August 1, 2023
    Views: 4686
    Public Domain

    An Army three-star general and a West Point associate professor used government resources in an unofficial investigation to hunt down and punish an anonymous active-duty whistleblower who criticized Army leaders and the Biden administration on social media, according to private emails and text messages obtained exclusively by Breitbart News.

    Army Training and Doctrine Command Deputy Commander Lt. Gen. Maria Gervais and Army Maj. Jessica Dawson — who is also an “information warfare research scientist” at the Army Cyber Institute — used their official authority and access to government resources to track down the whistleblower and get him identified publicly and punished by his chain of command.

    Despite the lack of evidence, they repeatedly accused the whistleblower of being a “counterintelligence” and “insider threat” in a seeming effort to trigger action by Army Criminal Investigative Division (CID) — an independent federal law enforcement agency with expansive powers designed to investigate serious felonies...

    To read more visit Breitbart.

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    Marc Miller

    This is the deep state taking power over the military the same way they took power over the Federal government decades ago. Soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines and space force have the right to privately express their views in the civilian space when they are out of uniform, off duty and not speaking in a military capacity. Their 1st amendment rights are not lost while they serve.


    with no respect General someone needs to kick your ass

    John Hughes

    Why didn't the Army do the same to West Point's recently retired command sergeant major that criticized Trump and other republicans on social media?

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