Letter received by an Army veteran and parent. Some details removed to protect the author’s son.
I am a 6-year U.S. Army veteran and served in __ Ranger Battalion and __ and __ SFGA.
My son has an application submitted to USMA West Point to enter plebe year class of 20__.
The third candidate question he was required to answer for his candidate packet is the following:
“3. West Point and the Army are committed to the idea that respect for others and an understanding of diversity are important leadership traits. Why will you be successful in working with leaders, peers, and subordinates of a gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and/or religion different from your own?”
My son responded to this question with a long essay. He struggled with his answer especially considering the honor code of USMA. I raised my son to not discriminate against people and we are a devout Christian family.
That said, I feel this question may be a trap of the DEI woke crowd to use against cadets either before or after they receive appointments and become cadets.
I personally have issues with the notion of sending women to Ranger School and especially allowing them to serve in line battalions in the 75th Ranger Regiment.
There is no doubt at all that standards were completely disregarded to get over 144 women ranger tab qualified.
I have spoken personally to the RIs who trained ranger students in the actual cycles where women were students.
There are literally hundreds of witnesses to these women being granted special privileges, special training, extra chances, extra recycles and so on that NO MALE STUDENT has received in the 74 years of the course.
Command authority makes it a UCMJ punishable offence for any active-duty soldier to publicly voice their concerns or opposition to this policy.
Women fail to complete the course at far higher rates than the men do which robs the Army of Ranger trained NCOs and Officers and wastes tens of thousands of dollars.
Look at Shaye L. Haver as the epitome of this example. She graduates from USMA class of 2012 and goes on to become an Apache Helicopter Pilot. Nothing wrong with that so long as she met every standard along the way.
But then things go off the rails, she is permitted to leave her branch and assignment as an Apache pilot in 2014-2015 to begin actual Ranger School April 20, 2015 but didn’t complete the course until August 21, 2015.
Oh, I failed to mention that it’s been reported that they got certificates of completion and authorization to wear the tab on 21 August.
For my part, I attended Ranger Class _-__ as an __ from __ Ranger Battalion and sailed straight through in 58 days with honor grad GOs and all of us got diplomas, tabs, and orders adding the victor suffix and award of the Ranger Tab.
Show me a male soldier in the military, ANY MALE SOLDIER, who can graduate USMA in May of year one and go on to complete all the required training to become a fully qualified Apache pilot.
And in less than 3 years from commissioning be authorized by DA to throw all the training money and time in the shitter so he can branch transfer to Infantry and spend DOUBLE the normal course length to complete Ranger School.
Then go on to a primo posting in the Old Guard and assignments such as the burial detail of a supreme court justice.
Oh but wait! it gets better, it has been reported that on April 26, 2018 Haver took command of 1st Bn, 508 PIR, 3rd Brigade, 82d Airborne Division. THATS AN F’ING O-6 COMMAND!!!
How does a soldier manage to commission out of USMA and in less than 6 years command a battalion? When did this woman have time to go to Iraq, Syria, or Afghanistan and win the war for us to deserve such rapid advancement?
This is a critique of JUST ONE of the over 144 women recognized as “ranger qualified” but I am certain it makes my point.
Did I mention that the files of all these women soldier’s performance in ranger school has been sealed by the US Army? Why would they do that?
Currently the U.S. Army mandates that women be allowed to serve in the 75th Ranger Regiment. This is another example of standards and ability being decremented to make this happen.
The service of women in the 75th Ranger Regiment has been a disaster.
These women “rangers” are not able to keep up with the operational tempo of service in any of the line battalions such that most of the women assigned platoon or company commands are quickly eliminated from the Regiment or moved to staff positions in HHC, or Regimental HQ to keep them on the roster.
The men are ORDERED to remain mute about their concerns on any issue regarding women serving the Regiment.
The women serving in 75th Ranger Regiment have been removed for fraternization, gross safety infractions on ranges and airborne operations not to mention inability to complete PT runs, road marches, and deployments and inability to carry even a basic ranger combat equipment load. None of these women can carry a full ruck, LBE, machine gun for the duration the men have always borne.
These women are protected from any adverse information about their service being retained in their 201 file such that they go back to “big Army” with a feather in their cap and preference points for promotion and further command because their 201 file reflects service to the Regiment and ranger tab qualified.
This does the Army a HUGE disservice by elevating officer up the pyramid of command who are not as capable leaders as their peer officers.
I am presently watching a YouTube video featuring Mathew Newgent speaking about the DEI infection already permeating the service academies on the Dr. Steve Turley podcast, “Is America Already at War?”
Okay I’ve gone on enough of a rant here. Where do I sign up to un-f— this situation?