PART ONE: How To Make Sense Of The War In Ukraine - A Chronology Of Key Events And Decisions
PART TWO: How To Make Sense Of The War In Ukraine - A Chronology Of Key Events And Decisions
How to Make Sense of the War in Ukraine: A Chronology of Key Events and Decisions.
We are, unbeknownst to most Americans, in an undeclared war with Russia. A war that doesn’t make sense to any of its participants. A war that we the people did not vote for and never wanted. Yet, the war goes on regardless. At the time of this article’s publication, Joe Biden approved the firing of long-range missiles that are killing Russians in Russia. As a result, we are closer to nuclear war than at any time in history, far closer than we were during the Cuban Missile Crisis.”
Always listen to the guys on the ground. Information in this paper comes from multiple US Government employees who were on the ground in Ukraine from 2013-2024. As members of the most prominent government agencies named in this article, their motivation for sharing this information reinforces their credibility: US Citizens have been fed a massive propaganda lie about the war in Ukraine, and thus, have no idea about the damage US government administrators have done and continue to do to the people of Ukraine and Russia.”
How do we “Make Sense” of the War in Ukraine? The biologic way our brains are hard-wired to make sense of the world around us is best explained by a simple sense-making equation:
1) What’s Going on Around Us + 2) What we Know = 3) How we Make Sense
1 + 2 = 3. To make sense it has to add up.
We the American people haven’t been able to make sense of the Ukraine war because we’ve been lied to about “What’s Going On” in Ukraine, and “What We Know” has been based on propaganda induced fear, instead of facts. The purpose of this paper is to provide a chronology of factual knowledge so our brains can make sense of what’s going on in Ukraine and make sensible/informed choices about what to do next.
The first order of business by the non-elected government in Kyiv was to repeal the official status of the Russian language, which only added fuel to the flames of fear, frustration, and anger in the east, where most citizens spoke Russian. According to the Rand Corporation, the protests across southern and eastern Ukraine were largely organic expressions of alarm over the composition and direction of the new Kyiv government. Russian involvement at this stage was limited to voicing support for the demonstrations.
The US government color revolution administrators made a deal with the devil when they chose to partner with the neo-Nazis to overthrow the Yanukovych government. It was a deal they would very quickly regret. After the protests ended and Yanukovych fled the country, the neo-Nazi militias were y rewarded for their efforts with lucrative government contracts and key positions in the new government. Every important ministry, from education and social policy, to policing, prosecution, and national defense, were now headed by neo-Nazi’s/Ultra-Nationalists. In every aspect of national life, neo-Nazi’s/Ultra-Nationalists would determine what it means to be Ukrainian, and all the policies required to enforce it.
Note: The historic importance of these actions and events, as well as the videos, pictures, and eye witness accounts that memorialize them, is not so much that they prove Victoria Nuland and her color revolution team-mates were using the neo-Nazi’s/ ultra-Nationalist as their proxy’s to overthrow the Yanukovych government. Rather, they show what the ethnic-Russian and the Jewish citizens of Crimea and Donbass were seeing, hearing, and fearing. When we understand their perspective—that most of the people leading, speaking, and fighting with the Police at the protests were people who hated them and were now trying to kill them---we can better understand their reaction to what was about to unfold.
25 Feb 2014: Congratulatory cables arced their way back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean. Promotions and bonuses were submitted and approved for the top US administrators in the CIA and State Department. While Nuland and her color revolution cohorts celebrated, the unconstitutional overthrow or the Yanukovych government prompted a predictable reaction from the ethnic Russian citizens of Crimea and Donbass in Eastern Ukraine (See Map).
Protests in Eastern Ukraine against the new Ukrainian government began almost immediately after the neo-Nazi led Maidan protests forced Yanukovych’s flight from power. Most of the people in Eastern Ukraine had voted for Yanukovych, and traditionally supported his political party (see Map). As such, they were disgusted with what they considered his illegitimate overthrow at the hands of the neo-Nazis and were understandably fearful about Ukraine’s future political direction.
In the coming weeks, both Crimea and Donbass would hold referenda seeking separation from Ukraine, a move that Russia accepted in Crimea but resisted with the Donbas. In response, the government in Kyiv unleashed a combined force of neo-Nazis, and the newly arrived Islamic militants on ethnic Russian protestors in eastern Ukraine.

25-27 Feb 2014: Thousands of ethnic-Russian protestors rally in Sevastopol, Crimea in favor of greater autonomy from Ukraine and closer ties to Russia.
27 Feb 2014: Russian forces who were stationed in Sevastopol, along with Crimean military and law-enforcement agencies begin working together to occupy strategic roads, seaports, and airports to prevent interference from the neo-Nazi militias.
Why is Sevastopol so important to Russia? Russia’s borders have for centuries been shaped by its desire for a major port which would not freeze over during winter. The port of Sevastopol provides Russia’s Navy with access to maritime trade routes all year round. It also enabled Russia to develop an imperial navy to guard its open and littoral waters.
Sevastopol was founded as a naval base under the rule of Catherine the Great in 1783. Its strategic location allowed Russia to control the Black Sea, and thus, made it a target for armies ranging from the British and Ottoman Empires to Nazi Germany. In 1954, USSR President Nikita Khrushchev transferred control of Crimea from the Russian Soviet Federation of Socialist Republics (RSFSR) to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic (UkrSSR).
Russia and Ukraine signed a deal in 2010 that provided Ukraine with lower prices for Russian gas, in exchange for Russia keeping its Black Sea Fleet in Crimea until 2042. Russia’s key Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline also passes through the Sevastopol port. Since a good portion of Russia’s wealth depends on Novorossiysk, an unfriendly or uncontrollable Sevastopol directly compromises the pipeline and its revenues.
The strategic importance of Sevastopol to Russia can be compared to the strategic importance of the Panama Canal to the US. Thus, it is considered to have been one of the motivating factors behind Russia’s rapid and non-violent annexation of Crimea after Yanukovych was overthrown in 2014.
How did Russia secure Crimea so quickly and with such flawless precision only a few days after the overthrow of the Yanukovych government? The plan to secure Sevastopol and Crimea was a contingency Russia had been preparing for since Ukraine’s first color revolution in 2004. These contingency plans were then updated during the first weeks of the Maidan protests in 2013.
It is also important to remember that Russia was monitoring US and Ukraine communications. Thus, Putin clearly understood who was behind the overthrow of the Yanukovych government as well as many of the details surrounding what would happen to Sevastopol after they succeeded. During numerous conversations in January and February 2014, the US administrators openly discussed the importance and priority of, “re-patriating Sevastopol” once the new NATO friendly government was in place.
Note: We now know that the CIA and State Department were shocked when Putin used Crimean police and security forces from Sevastopol Navy Base to take peaceful control of the Crimean Peninsula. Vladimir Putin had outsmarted them. Yet, instead of telling the world the truth about what happened---that their color revolution plan to overthrow the Ukraine government using neo-Nazi extremists had spectacularly back-fired--they did the same thing they did after the Maidan massacre. They made up another massive propaganda lie.
Both the Washington Post and NYT ran stories explaining that the annexation of Crimea was the first step of Putin’s grand plan to take over Europe. This lie would live on for the next ten years, promulgated by the leaders of NATO countries in Europe, and members of the Biden administration and their US corporate media allies. What follows are three statements made by US Secretary of Defense Loyd Austin: “If Putin is successful in Ukraine, he will not stop there.” “Putin's war threatens European security” “We stand by Ukraine because it's crucial to both Europe and our own security.”
These statements were made even though Vladimir Putin has never given any indication with words or actions that he has any motive or intent to conquer Europe.
March 6: The Crimean Parliament sets a “referendum” to determine the future of Crimea on March 16.
March 13: Clashes take place between several hundred unarmed ethnic-Russian protesters, and pro-Kyiv militias, in the Eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk. The Ukrainian government dismissed the outbreak of protests in the east as provocations organized by pro-Russian agitators and intelligence operators. However, video evidence and reports by international observers confirmed that the public agitation and outcry were genuine, and not disconnected from the country’s historic cultural divisions.
March 13: The Ukrainian Parliament votes to create a new National Guard of 60,000 men. Most of the new recruits come from the neo-Nazi militia’s (Azov Battalion, Right Sector, and Svoboda) all of whom participated in the Maidan protests. At the time, the Ukrainian army existed largely on paper only, with less than 6,000 combat-capable troops available. Thus, the newly recruited neo-Nazi militiamen would form the foundation of the Ukrainian military.
March 16-18: Crimean “referendum” takes place with a reported 83% participation rate. Results of the “referendum” show 97 percent of voters in the referendum favored reuniting with Russia over remaining in neo-Nazi led Ukraine. After the vote, 91% of voters said the March 16th, referendum was “free and fair,” and that the government in Kyiv should recognize the results of the vote. Putin, Crimean Prime Minister Aksyonov, Chair of the Crimean Parliament Konstantinov, and Mayor of Sevastopol Alexey Chaly sign a treaty on “reunification of Crimea with Russia.”
Independent journalist Patrick Lancaster was in Crimea after the referendum and reported that he couldn’t find a single Crimean citizen who didn’t favor reuniting with Russia. Most of those he interviewed told him that Crimea would never have called for the March 16th referendum if not for the threat from Ukrainian Ultranationalists and neo-Nazi’s.
March 22: Ethnic-Russian protestors occupy government buildings in Donbas in support of: greater autonomy for the eastern regions within Ukraine, the return of former president Yanukovych to power, early local and regional elections, and a referendum on the future governance of the eastern regions. The ethnic-Russian leaders who previously existing on the margins of Ukrainian political life, proclaimed themselves as “people’s mayors” and “people’s governors
April 6-7: Ethnic-Russian leadersin Donbas announce that a referendum on whether the region should join the Russian Federation would take place no later than May 11th, 2014. They also began organizing self-defense militia’s and issue a formal appeal to Vladimir Putin to send Russian peacekeeping forces to the region to help protect them from the neo-Nazis.
April 15: Acting Ukrainian PresidentOlexander Turchynov announced the start of a military Anti-terrorist Operation (ATO) to confront the ethnic-Russian protestors in Donbas. The stated purpose of the ATO was to oust ethnic-Russian protestors who were occupying government buildings and security facilities. According to a Rand Study: The Anti-Terrorist Operation was essentially a siege-warfare campaign, leveraging Ukraine’s vastly superior number of forces, weapons, artillery, and air power to steadily encircle and push out the separatists from occupied buildings.
Note: Even though neo-Nazis had taken over the city halls in 10 western regions, and demanded independence from the central Kyiv government, the new Kyiv government chose to attack the two ethnic-Russian regions in the east that were only asking for autonomy. Based on Pew Research polls conducted in Eastern Ukraine, separatism had little appeal to the protestors. Only 18% of the respondents thought Donbas should leave Ukraine. That sentiment was about to change. By declaring an “anti-terrorist operation” against the ethnic-Russian protesters, Kiev signaled its intention to “destroy” them, not negotiate with them.
April 15, 2014: Devon Archer (Hunter Bidens business partner) meets with Vice President Joe Biden at the White House.
April 15, 2014: Burisma, the largest privately held gas company in Ukraine, announces the appointment of Devon Archer to their Board of Directors.
April 16, 2014: Hunter Biden meets with Devon Archer at the White House.
April 17, 2014: A Burisma executive emails Devon Archer stating, as it relates to Hunter Biden joining the company, “I do believe we have to reach a reasonable balance here…” The email went on to say they were relying on Hunter Biden’s influence with his father and would only list Hunter Biden on their website, “after his father left our country.”
April 21, 2014: Vice President Joe Biden travels to Ukraine. Biden meets with Ukrainian Presidential candidate Victor Poroshenko and agrees to endorse him for the upcoming elections. After meeting with Poroshenko, Vice-President Biden holds a press conference where he pledges hundreds of millions of dollars to carry out democratic and constitutional reforms in Ukraine. Additionally, Biden announces: “We are supporting Ukrainian efforts to enhance its own energy production, including through technical assistance to help restructure Ukraine’s national oil and gas company, Naftogaz, and through the introduction of new technologies to boost outputs from existing and new conventional gas fields across Ukraine.”
According to the U.S. Congressional Ways and Means Committee investigation: “For his support of Poroshenko as President, and the millions of dollars he pledged to Ukraine, Biden expected personal favors in return. One was appointing his son Hunter Biden to serve on the Burisma Board of Directors. Hunter Biden had no experience in Ukraine and no experience in the energy sector. His starting salary? $1 million a year. Remarkably, Hunter Biden never once traveled to Ukraine.”
Over the next three years, congressional investigators discovered that Ukraine paid the Biden family and their associates a total of $6.5 million dollars. This brazen act of international political corruption was also a prima facie violation of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (“FCPA”).
The color revolution administrators saw Burisma as an instrument of statecraft that would enable them to: economically bankrupt Russia, militarily shut down Russia’s war machine, and to exploit Ukraine’s massive and untapped gas supplies. And that’s the reason Donbas was so important to them. The US and NATO were sponsoring the anti-terrorist operations against the ethnic-Russian people of Donbas because that’s where the largest deposits of untapped energy resources are located. Basically, Biden Incorporated was running a foreign-policy-for-personal-profit operation.”
Note: On December 1, 2024, President Joe Biden issued a statement that said he had decided to issue the executive grant of clemency for his son Hunter Biden, “for those offenses against the United States which he has committed or may have committed or taken part in during the period from Jan. 1, 2014, through Dec. 1, 2024.” Many Americans wondered why Hunter Bidens blanket pardon “for criminal conduct” went back 11 years to January of 2014. Now we know.
April 25, 2014: When its regular military units and local police forces turned out to be less than willing to confront the ethnic-Russian protestors, Kiev hastily mobilized additional Right Sector and other neo-Nazi militias into the National Guard to enforce Kiev’s commands. These troops, drawn mostly from central and western regions of Ukraine, immediately escalated the ethnic conflict into ethnic warfare with massacres in Mariupol, Kramatorsk, and Odessa.
April 26, 2014: In a video titled “Why Do Some Ukrainians Want to Be Part of Russia? A BBC reporter who spoke fluent Russian traveled to Donbas to find the answer. Every ethnic-Russian she asked on camera about whether they wanted to be part of Russia or Ukraine, answered that they did not want to leave Ukraine. They wanted Ukraine to treat them fairly, and they wanted representation in the Kyiv government. While talking to a family of farmers who were explaining the same, one of the farmers used an iPad equivalent to show her a Ukrainian TV News video of a rally in western Ukraine with school age children chanting “Hang the Russians” over and over.
It does not seem likely that Victoria Nuland or John Brennan ever watched videos like this one or had any contact with the ethnic-Russian people on the ground in Donbas. If they had taken the time to understand the people of Donbas, they may not have authorized the crimes against humanity that were about to occur.
May 2, 2014: A horrific event occurred in the southern city of Odessa, awakening memories of Nazi German extermination squads in Ukraine and other Soviet republics during World War II. You can watch the video here. An organized neo-Nazi mob chased ethnic-Russian protesters into a building, set it on fire, and then blocked the exits. Over forty people perished in the flames or were murdered as they attempted to flee the inferno. A still unknown number of other victims were seriously injured.
Members of the Right Sector, and the Svoboda party led the mob, and swastika-like symbols were found on the charred building. Kiev alleged that the victims had themselves accidentally started the fire, but eyewitnesses, television footage, and social media videos told the true story, as they have about the atrocities that occurred before and after.
May 11, 2014: Disregarding Vladimir Putin's appeal to delay it,[75]the ethnic-Russian citizens of Donbass went to vote on their Independence referendum. With the neo-Nazi lead Maidan protests, the Odessa massacre, and anti-Russian rhetoric fresh in their minds, 89% of voters voted in favor of independence, on a turnout of nearly 75%.
The independence vote infuriated the illegitimate government in Kyiv, as well as their American and British color revolution sponsors. The senselessness of collaborating with the neo-Nazi’s had already caused the loss of Crimea. Rather than acknowledging and learning from their mistakes, they decided to double-down instead. Across the country, a campaign of ethnic erasure was launched against Russian-speaking Ukrainians, with the Russian language and all related cultural holidays and traditions being banned from public life.
April of 2014 – 2022: the Ukraine government carried out ground, artillery, and air attacks on city centers, residential buildings, shopping malls, parks, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, even orphanages. This marked the beginning of a violent and prolonged war between the Kiev government and the ethnic Russians of Donbas.
The Kyiv government used US State Department and George Soros funded NGO’s, to gather intelligence and foment dissent amongst the ethnic-Russians. Over time, every urban area in Donbas looked and sounded like a war zone, with destroyed and pockmarked buildings, ruble and mangled vehicles, dead and wounded civilians lying in streets, and wailing mourners following close behind.
Why would NATO and the US stand by while the proxy army they resourced and controlled, conducted genocide against ethnic-Russian civilians? To find an answer, we can examine the purpose of past color revolution regime change tactics, in this case the NATO bombing in Serbia in 2000, “The purpose was to inflict "moderate" suffering on the civilian population in order to break the population's will to resist and force it to rise up against their leadership”

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May 25th, 2014: In an interview between George Soros and CNN host Fareed Zakaria, Soros is asked what his NGO “The Open Society Foundation” is doing in Ukraine, Soros replies: “I set up a foundation in Ukraine before Ukraine became independent of Russia…And it played a — an important part in events now.” You can go on “The Open Society Foundation” website today and read their account of what happened in Ukraine in 2014. It provides a time capsule of color revolution propaganda that reinforces how these supposedly “Non-Government Agencies” are nothing more than government contractors who make hundreds of millions of dollars interfering in the affairs of foreign countries with no accountability for their actions.
May 25th: Ukrainian presidential election results in Petro Poroshenko’s victory. Poroshenko’s resume reveals a long, storied history of corruption. One of his first actions was to make official the full incorporation of the neo-Nazi Azov Regiment, into Ukraine’s National Guard. As a result, Ukraine immediately became a Mecca for far-right extremists around the world who come to learn and get training from Azov, including, ironically, Russian white supremacists who were chased out of their country by Putin.
June 7, 2014: Vice President Joe Biden travels to Ukraine for a second time to attend the inauguration of his hand-picked Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko.

Public Domain
November 20, 2014: Vice President Biden visits President Poroshenko in Ukraine for a third time.
December 2014: Poroshenko gives a state of the union speech about the people in Donbass:
“We will have work, they will not; We will have pensions, they will not; We will have benefits for elderly and children, they will not; Our children will go to schools, theirs will stay in the cellars; Because they can’t do anything, and that’s how precisely we will win this war.”
In the days after the speech, thousands of civilians in Donbas die during Armed Forces of Ukraine artillery bombardments. When the people of Donbas are polled again on whether they want to stay in Ukraine or become part of Russia, an overwhelming majority respond that they had stopped thinking of themselves as Ukrainians: “They think we are not human.” “Who treats their own people like this?” “Who is going to protect us?”
The people of eastern Ukraine had had enough. They begged Russia to intervene, Putin demurred. Over the next six years, 14k ethnic-Russian were killed, and over 25k wounded, many of the wounded were burn victims and amputees. When Russia finally liberated the Donbas in 2022, the citizens of Donbass greeted them with open arms. Yet many citizens first words to the Russian military commanders were the same: “what took you so long.”
End of Part 1:
Lessons Learned and Recommendations:
Survival depends on our ability to learn. Learning is how we adapt. If we can’t learn, we can’t adapt. If we can’t adapt to the world around us, we’ll go the same way as 99.999% of species that have ever lived on the planet: Extinction. Everyone has a right to learn the truth, the goal of this paper is to reveal and share it.
-The Ukraine war started in 2014 when the US color revolution administrators partnered with NGO’s and Ultranationalists/neo-Nazis militias, to foment dissent, and to violently overthrow the duly elected President of Ukraine.
- In the weeks and months after the regime change, the Ultranationalists/neo-Nazis effectively controlled the Ukrainian government, which empowered and enabled them to attack the ethnic-Russian people of Donbas. From 2014 to 2022, over 14k ethnic-Russian citizens of Donbas were killed at the hands of Ukrainian forces.
-Russia was provoked to enter the war by the slaughter of 14k ethnic-Russian citizens in Donbas, and by the inflammatory statements and actions of the neo-Nazis, and the US and NATO selected politicians in Kyiv.
-The people of western Ukraine were duped by the US/NATO color revolution administrators, and the Ukrainian politicians they selected and controlled. Most western Ukrainians believed the propaganda they were fed by the NGO’s and the international main-stream media: that the revolution was organic, that neo-Nazi involvement was negligible, and that the Russian invasion of their country was unprovoked. To this day, western Ukrainians have had no way of knowing that they were being used as proxies by foreign government administrators who could care less about their well-being, and who are still to this day, willing to continue fighting the war to last Ukrainian.
- If not for the US and NATO sponsored overthrow of the Yanukovych government, Ukraine would have cheaper assured gas, a potentially thriving economy and culture, and Crimea and Donbass would still be 100% part of the country. Instead, the economy, culture, and infrastructure have been destroyed, over 500,000 people have been killed, and Crimea and Donbas will never willingly reunite with Ukraine.
- Joe Biden made US foreign policy decisions based on personal/familial greed.
-Recommend a 9/11-style Commission report study of US Government involvement in the Ukraine color revolution of 2014. As part of their findings, investigators should de-classify the thousands of State Department and CIA “Cables” that will reveal and memorialize the arrogance, ignorance, and hubris of the government administrators involved.
-Recommend a new version of Executive Order 12333 that bans “color revolutions” in the same category as assassinations. Executive Order 12333 was created as part of a series of executive orders that banned assassinations as a tool of US government intelligence agencies. It was created in the context of the Church Committee's investigation into US assassination plots against foreign leaders in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. The new version of EO 12333 also must codify accountability and repercussions for those who violate it.
-Recommend we acknowledge to Russia, US responsibility for the actions of our out-of-control deep-state administrators over the last 10+ years. We the people have no bone to pick with Russia. It’s time we do what we should have done back in 1991: Begin working with Russia to establish strong military, political, and economic alliances and relationships between our countries and our people.
The best safeguard against out-of-control government administrators is to change the way we think about leading and organizing our US foreign policy institutions (Department of State, CIA, and DoD). There is another way. It’s the Common Sense Way.
1 "Mockingbird Media" refers to the covert operation "Project Mockingbird" initiated by the CIA during the Cold War, where the CIA manipulates American public opinion by recruiting journalists in order to: influence the way they communicate news, promote a specific agenda, and essentially use the press as a propaganda tool. The term "Mockingbird" is used because it implies a hidden, controlled source of information.
2 Blaber, P. The Common Sense Way, 2023, Amazon Publishing, p 89
3 https://canadafreepress.com/article/the-road-to-war-2
4 https://www.rbth.com/history/334057-soviet-republics-list
5 https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/document/16117-document-06-record-conversation-between
6 https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/russia-programs/2017-12-12/nato-expansion-what-gorbachev-heard-western-leaders-early
7 Memorandum on security assurances in connection with Ukraine’s accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of nuclear weapons. https://treaties.un.org/Pages/showDetails.aspx?objid=0800000280401fbb
8 https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PPP-1994-book1/html/PPP-1994-book1-doc-pg18.htm
9 https://www.nato.int/cps/cn/natohq/official_texts_25468.htm
10 https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/08MOSCOW265_a.html
11 https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1998/05/01/senate-approves-expansion-of-nato/38dded71-978c-475a-8852-58f5e285e572/
12 Arms Makers See Bonanza In Selling NATO Expansion: https://www.nytimes.com/1997/06/29/world/arms-makers-see-bonanza-in-selling-nato-expansion.html
13 https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/220-bombing-to-bring-peace
15 http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/21399
16 http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/static/audio_video/programmes/breakfast_with_frost/transcripts/putin5.mar.txt
17 https://www.amazon.com/Kremlin-Rising-Vladimir-Putins-Revolution/dp/0743264312
18 America, Russia and Europe: a realignment? Angela Stint & Lilia Shevtsova, Pages 121-134 | Published online: 27 Jun 2007
19 http://www.en.kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/21398
20 https://2009-2017.state.gov/t/avc/trty/101888.htm
21 https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/news/releases/2001/12/20011213-4.html
22 https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-21-314.pdf
23 https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-impact-of-september-11-on-us-russian-relations/
24 https://georgewbush-whitehouse.archives.gov/infocus/freedomagenda/
25 Although the legal profession does not (yet) recognize it as such
26 https://historyheist.com/glossary/color-revolutions/
27 https://www.eurasiareview.com/06012024-color-revolutions-the-most-sophisticated-means-of-warfare-analysis/
28 https://www.nato.int/docu/speech/2007/s070209d.html
29 https://www.cnn.com/2014/03/13/world/europe/2008-georgia-russia-conflict/index.html
30 https://revolver.news/2020/08/george-kent-never-trump-state-department
31 https://www.amazon.com/Frontline-Ukraine-Borderlands-Richard-Sakwa/
32 https://medium.com/codex/the-myth-of-ukraines-linguistic-divide-70a95fa0e0c5
33 https://ourworld.unu.edu/en/what-do-the-world-bank-and-imf-have-to-do-with-the-ukraine-conflict
34 https://ourpeacecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/RemarksBernardCasey_condensed_v4.pdf
36 https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/polis/2014/02/20/maidan-and-new-media-the-kyiv-revolt-seen-from-ukraine-and-london-guest-blog/
37 https://www.google.com/search?q=maidan+square+2013&client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=a602e8e6c3755c23&udm=7&biw=1536&bih=703&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3Adecember+3013%2Ccd_max%3AMarch+2013&tbm=
38 https://www.lrb.co.uk/the-paper/v36/n17/keith-gessen/why-not-kill-them-all
39 https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2014/01/02/social-networks-and-social-media-in-ukrainian-euromaidan-protests-2/
40 https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/newsroom/the-open-society-foundations-in-ukraine
41 https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-colour-revolution
42 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SBo0akeDMY
43 https://www.themoscowtimes.com/archive/observers-say-russia-had-crimea-plan-for-years
44 https://www.hrw.org/news/2013/12/03/ukraine-excessive-force-against-protesters
45 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/us-victoria-nuland-wades-into-ukraine-turmoil-over-yanukovich/
46 https://www.channel4.com/news/ukraine-mccain-far-right-svoboda-anti-semitic-protests
47 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/dec/15/john-mccain-ukraine-protests-support-just-cause
48 https://www.channel4.com/news/ukraine-mccain-far-right-svoboda-anti-semitic-protests
49 https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-20824693
50 https://www.channel4.com/news/ukraine-mccain-far-right-svoboda-anti-semitic-protests
51 https://voxukraine.org/en/denial-of-the-obvious-far-right-in-maidan-protests-and-their-danger-today
52 Memorandum on security assurances in connection with Ukraine’s accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of nuclear weapons. https://treaties.un.org/Pages/showDetails.aspx?objid=0800000280401fbb
53 https://voxukraine.org/en/denial-of-the-obvious-far-right-in-maidan-protests-and-their-danger-today
54 https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1498.html
55 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957
56 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957
59 https://johnmenadue.com/ted-galen-carpenter-americas-ukraine-hypocrisy-and-the-role-of-victoria-newland-a-key-biden-adviser/
60 https://consortiumnews.com/2019/04/22/the-buried-maidan-massacre-and-its-misrepresentation-by-the-west/
61 https://www.channel4.com/news/ukraine-catherine-ashton-phone-shoot-maidan-bugged-leaked
62 https://ourpeacecenter.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/RemarksBernardCasey_condensed_v4.pdf
63 https://consortiumnews.com/2015/07/07/ukraine-merges-nazis-and-islamists/
64 https://www.globalresearch.ca/why-are-nazi-and-confederate-flags-on-display-in-kiev/5372042
65 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/25/world/europe/cia-ukraine-intelligence-russia-war.html
68 https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/04/the-obama-doctrine/471525/
69 https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1498.html
70 https://freedomhouse.org/report/analytical-brief/2018/far-right-extremism-threat-ukrainian-democracy
71 https://brill.com/view/journals/spsr/48/2/article-p135_2.xml
72 https://consortiumnews.com/2015/07/07/ukraine-merges-nazis-and-islamists/
73 https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/10/09/explainer-despite-reports-russian-navy-unlikely-to-have-abandoned-sevastopol-base-a82704
74 https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/JEMEAA/Journals/Volume-02_Issue-1/Chauhan.pdf
75 https://www.ft.com/content/1f749b24-9f8c-11e3-b6c7-00144feab7de
76 The Panama Canal is considered a VITAL National Asset for the United States, due to its critical role to America’s Economy and National Security. A secure Panama Canal is crucial for U.S. Commerce, and rapid deployment of the Navy, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and drastically cuts shipping times to U.S. ports. The United States is the Number One user of the Canal, with over 70 percent of all transits heading to, or from, U.S. ports. Considered one of the Wonders of the Modern World, the Panama Canal opened for business 110 years ago, and was built at HUGE cost to the United States in lives and treasure – 38,000 men died, most from Malaria during construction.
77 https://www.themoscowtimes.com/archive/observers-say-russia-had-crimea-plan-for-years
78 These conversations are memorialized on numerous top-secret cables sent by and between the US state department and the CIA.
79 https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3711625/us-will-not-back-down-on-support-for-ukraine/
80 https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1498.html
81 https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2014/05/08/despite-concerns-about-governance-ukrainians-want-to-remain-one-country/
82 https://waysandmeans.house.gov/2023/11/17/icymi-whistleblower-docs-show-burisma-hired-hunter-biden-for-his-political-weight-and-carefully-navigated-his-appointment-to-protect-joe-biden/
86 https://www.state.gov/u-s-security-cooperation-with-ukraine/
87 https://oversight.house.gov/the-bidens-influence-peddling-timeline/
89 https://www.trade.gov/us-foreign-corrupt-practices-act
90 Joe Rogan Experience #2237 - Mike Benz
91 https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/01/us/politics/biden-pardon-son-hunter.html
92 https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/silence-american-hawks-about-kievs-atrocities/
93 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QGFZev_h7g
96 https://www.wilsoncenter.org/publication/220-bombing-to-bring-peace
97 https://cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com/2014/05/25/soros-on-russian-ethnic-nationalism/
98 https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/explainers/understanding-ukraines-euromaidan-protests
99 https://web.archive.org/web/20131103105813/http:/en.for-ua.com/analytics/2005/10/28/164030.html
100 https://euromaidanpress.com/2014/10/09/azov-regiment-to-join-ukraines-national-guard/
101 https://voxukraine.org/en/denial-of-the-obvious-far-right-in-maidan-protests-and-their-danger-today
102 https://patricklancasternewstoday.substack.com/p/breaking-the-united-states-has-attacked
103 Blaber, P. The Common Sense Way, 2023, Amazon Publishing, p 89
I'm less interested in the war's time-line of events than I am in CLOSING THE TAP and letting Z pay his own bills. I also want a FULL ACCOUNTING of where my AMERICAN money went.
I "argue" with uninformed, ignorant people regularly about the START of the 'war' in Ukraine. I will send them these three VERY CONCISE, accurate and informative "parts", and I thank you for putting this together, as you say, "chronologically".
Happy New Year - With ALOHA and Hau'oli makahiki hou! (or enjoy the winter rainy time) grins.
This is the one of very few accounts of events in Ukraine since 2022 that based on facts against a background of endless propaganda. There 2 details that're incorrect or insufficiently researched. The whole Crimea was won by Russian empire in war with Ottoman empire in 1783. It was gifted to Ukraine in 1954 by .Nikita Khrushchev who was the last Soviet Prime minister and CPSU secretary at the same time, he was not a president.
A well written piece. Too bad our politicians don't take the time to read and understand.