Public Domain

As a former USAF pilot who was stationed at Elmendorf AFB, Alaska in the 1980s, and has flown all over Alaska, the current 'reporting' on the 'scramble' to intercept Russian and Chinese bombers off the Alaskan coastline, air defense zone (ADIZ), is both absurd and ignorant.

Probing of Alaskan air space has been going on for decades and decades by the Russian Federation, then Soviet Union in the '80s, and now the People's Liberation Army has entered the game.

It is nothing new.

It is not a serious situation, nor was it a scramble.

Alert aircraft bases exist along the Alaskan coast to do exactly that. It was simply an alert launch to meet aircraft that were seen a long way away as they approached.

Intercepting Russian bomber, or long-range fighter aircraft in the Alaskan ADIZ is routine...period.

Those 'news outlets' reporting otherwise are blowing Eskimo smoke up your you know what.

At the very best, these news outlets are just hyping what the MSM has reported.

At worst, they are enabling a diversion away from the corruption hunger games in Washington.

At CDM/AFP, we try not to hype bullshoot.

Our competitors are hiring writers to try and copy our reporting space.

It isn't working very well. Stick with news you can trust and that is experienced in what they are writing about.