• Strangle, Not invade Taiwan

    June 4, 2024
    Views: 2566

    China appears to be fomenting the legislative chaos in Taiwan - much like America.


    The KMT Party in Taiwan didn’t win the Presidency in January, but was able to cobble together a majority in the Legislative Yuan that is causing chaos. The KMT led majority passed legislation subordinating the Presidency and the Judiciary to the Legislature.

    Chaos and fist fights are breaking out in the Legislature and the President William Lai has returned the legislation to the Legislative Yuan while KMT members openly travel back and forth to China coordinating their campaign to topple Taiwan.

    Sound familiar - China, Soros, Arabella, and the Biden Team are doing the same in America. Read the Wall Street Journal article below and watch the Rumble video on how Dark Money, much of it from China, is playing the same game in America.

    ColonelRetJohn Substack



    John Mills (Col, USA, Ret)

    COL (Ret) Mills impacted history since the Cold War to our fight to save our Republic. www.TheNationWillFollow.com documents my fight against the Deep State. War Against the Deep State out this fall.
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