My, my, my, a target rich environment, just where do we begin? Losing their clearances are the least of their worries.
It’s such a joy to have choices in life. Having choices is a good problem.
Do we start with Ron Marks? The possible Twitter Spotter who may have helped the Jack Dorsey era “throttle” Trump Supporters.
Or do we start with elderly Hayden and Clapper?
Or do we go after “Eddie Haskell” Blinken, who isn’t even normally on the list, but ran the letter with inside help from serving CIA officials while at the mysterious UPenn Biden Center, an IRS “C3” (under penalty of oath is supposed to be non-partisan, non -political), yet was leading the greatest election fraud in post World War II American Election History.
If any of them was an 18USC202 Special Government Employee when they signed the infamous 51 Intel Officer Letter, they better read 18USC1001 and lawyer up. Felonies are a coming.
Choices are a wonderful thing in life.