Clark has blown past quibbling, now flat out breaking the honor code. His behavior aids CCP agenda.

Full Disclosure - Lt General Richard Clark is my classmate at the United States Air Force Academy. Although I didn't know him at the 'Zoo', some friends of mine did, and have told me he is a 'good person'.
Good people don't push cultural Marxism for our enemy communist China on young cadets. Good people don't force young cadets with no risk of dying from Covid to take experimental, illegal shots which damage their health (containing the same biological weapon that was used by communist China on the United States).
I have written extensively that we are under attack by a foreign power. General Clark is aiding that attack, whether he will admit it or not.
There are two explanations for this.
When I asked an older, wiser fellow graduate what he thought of Clark's behavior, he declared, "A useful idiot… a person of limited abilities who has done irreparable harm."
The second is -- General Clark is willfully participating in the attempted destruction of the United States Air Force.
Over the last year, many have given Clark the benefit of the doubt.
That is no longer possible.
The General recently issued a statement on the negative publicity our beloved Academy has received on its 'DEI' program where cadets were instructed not to use the words 'mom and dad'.
Clark's response to all of this negative attention is posted in the PDF below.
Clark states "certain parts of the training were taken out of context."
How can you take don't use the words 'mom and dad' out of context?
Elaine Donnelly, President of the Center for Military Readiness, puts it this way:
The AFA’s dissembling on what the DIE slides actually say, while failing to recognize how inconsistent they are with sound principles of military culture – non-discrimination and recognition of merit, is very disappointing but not surprising.
If the leaders at the AFA don’t get this, and if they keep dissembling with statements designed to deceive, perhaps it's time to listen to critics who believe we are spending too much taxpayer money on what amount to liberal arts colleges.

I'll be more blunt.
Clark is lying.
Clark has blown past 'quibbling' and is now in full violation of the Cadet Honor Code.
Whether Clark knows it or not, he is aiding and abetting the enemy, violating the honor code, has lost the respect of the Air Force, the American people, and even our adversaries.
He needs to resign and save whatever honor he has left.
He won't resign however. Therefore, he needs to be removed.
It is unfortunate for me to say a classmate of mine, who benefitted immensely from all America could give him, will go down in history in this manner.
L. Todd Wood is the CEO of Creative Destruction Media. He's also been a longtime national security columnist for the Washington Times, and other large publications. Visit