• USAFA: This is Treason - Prove Me Wrong

    July 8, 2023
    Views: 9259

    Evidence obtained by Judicial Watch shows leadership at the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) actively worked to harm the republic of the United States of America, by undermining the nation's founding documents to future military officers, whose authority in war comes from those documents via commission from the President of the United States.

    The group, Judicial Watch, announced Friday it had obtained 478 pages of records through a November 2022 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit it filed after the Department of Defense (DOD) didn't respond to its request for Air Force Academy training materials pertaining to CRT, reported Fox News.

    STARRS.us is the organized group of USAFA grads which originally initiated the FOIA. USAFA would not inform its graduates but was forced to respond and release documents by a court of law.

    Another slide discusses the “‘Myth’ of American Peoplehood” with one bullet claiming: “The U.S. too has a creation myth: The Declaration of Independence declares that all men have rights endowed by their Creator; Ideas of social contracts forged in a state of nature.”  

    Superintendent Lt. General Richard Clark informed STARRS years ago that CRT was not being taught at USAFA as STARRS suspected. At the very least, he quibbled about the issue, withholding the full extent of what he was incorporating into Academy instruction.

    By lying, and his dishonorable, racist actions against white service members, my classmate General Clark has set back race relations in the U.S. Air Force, and the reputation of my alma mater, for decades.

    Whether or not our republic survives, Richard Clark will go down in history as a dishonorable officer.

    L Todd Wood, USAFA, '86



    L Todd Wood

    L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt and was a national security columnist for The Washington Times. He is also founder/publisher of CDM and editor-in-chief of Tsarizm.com. For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit LToddWood.com.
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    Robert Cornwell

    Thank you for standing up.

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