OBiden, Xi Jinping, and Davos are playing for keeps...

I recently said on our Euro Bytes show, that if German society doesn't have the will to save itself from the Marxist destruction it is currently experiencing, as its manufacturing capacity is destroyed and its population replaced, then 'survival of the fittest' commands its eventual destruction.
We should now say the same thing about the United States. Globalist forces just destroyed one of our major ports, and nobody said a word.
They told us before they were going to do this...the 'predictive programming' was excellent - do you remember the TV Series '24'? They were planning all of this back then.
President Biden, President Obama, General Milley, Secretary Austin and on down the line, have purposefully weakened our national security apparatus in favor of what is coming.
It's a dark future.
If they can destroy a major port, a major artery for military transportation along the Eastern seaboard, then what is going to stop them from the next step?
For that matter, why would you destroy such infrastructure, if you didn't have plans for a larger take down of America?
The Chinese Communist Party realizes they are in an existential conflict (of their own making I might add); American still has no clue, at least the average American that is. Of course, our traitorous leaders are well aware.
Xi Jinping doesn't have much time before his economy collapses.
America doesn't have much time before our economy collapses because of the Manchurian Candidate in The White House.
The CCP has already launched a bioweapon against America in conjunction with our globalist elite.
They will have no qualms about killing a few million New Yorkers, or destroying the anarchy which is now called Washington, D.C.
In 2011, i published a book called Currency, which outlined the financial destruction of the United States, in a coordinated fashion, by the CCP, Russia, and Iran.
I was right then, and I'm right now.
The will to survive of the American people should not be confused with the will to kill America which our current fraudulent leaders have.
The words the average American is saying are being censored by our so-called government, but you can hear a background noise as of angry bees getting louder.
The financial destruction is globalist elite led. The rest are just icing on the cake.
I like how the feds think they can scare us with a TOTAL of ONLY 200,000 "fedulators. WE, OTOH, are >40 million "Blades of Grass", with reload benches and lead ingots, and mini forges....and a 10-1 ratio will end it in about 96 hours.