The White House is running a war in Ukraine without Congressional approval, opposed to the Constitution of the United States.

At Armed Forces Press we are very close to the American Special Operations community, through past relationships and experience.
We recently sat down with an American operator who had returned from Ukraine. He told us point blank that he was a killing machine 'in theater', killing Russian soldiers and running sabotage operations behind the front lines in Russian-controlled territory.
He showed us video clips of ammunition depots exploding where he told us he had set the charges. He showed us images of himself in Ukraine.
"I stopped counting at 500," he declared, discussing his Russian kills.
American forces are involved in Ukraine in a degree much greater than admitted by the Department of Defense and The White House.
The White House is running a war in Ukraine without Congressional approval, opposed to the Constitution of the United States.
"The White House is running a war in Ukraine without Congressional approval, opposed to the Constitution of the United States." Gee, just like Korea and Vietnam, who would of thought? We haven't declared war since 1941 but that doesn't stop us from engaging in them.
Wartime propaganda....
Reminds me of the Ramboette stories about Jessica Lynch which turned out to be BS. She never fired a shot.
Sounds like BS to me.
What ludicrous nonsense. Anyone who describes themselves as a "killing machine" more often than not is nothing of the sort. Stopped counting at 500? I have a strong suspicion that whoever the person is who is quoted in this article either isn't in Ukraine at all or possibly doesn't even exist. This sort of stuff fits to a T the level of silly propaganda that has been vomited from our media from the beginning of this diaster. Anyone remember the "Ghost of Kiev"?
It would be my guess that someone claiming 500 kills probably does not which end of the rifle to point at the enemy.
Put a name and face on the "ghost" if you're gonna print Rambo stories.
what a steaming load of fiction
He's not active duty, if there's any truth to this at all (doubtful) is one of many volunteers.
You damage your credibility and insult your readers by giving credence to this sort of malarky.
Except he is real we can assure you.
The Bible warns that people suffer under a corrupt government. From election fraud to Jan 6th prisoners to mass killing with Cov19 bioweapons...
I am a former US Army combat officer. I traveled to Ukraine six times in the two years leading up to the Russian invasion. I was in Kiev Ukraine on the morning of the initial Russian attack and invasion on February 24, 2022. On several of my trips to Ukraine, I met multiple US SOF personnel, both on the flights there, in the airport and in-country. I am not saying that this guy is the real deal, but rather that it is a fact that we had and still have US SOF forces operating in-country there.
“NATO soldiers are already present in Ukraine,” Sikorski declared while declining to reveal which countries had sent troops to the war zone.
We're innocent until proven guilty.
What goes on in Ukraine is secret and classified. 100 billion in aid? Who really blew up the Nord stream 2 pipeline?
US SOF Troops admitted to be in Ukraine