• China Arms Both Sides In Ukraine

    April 11, 2024
    Views: 2878

    American drones are not cutting it, so China sells DJIs to Ukraine

    Image by Alessio Di Leo

    China is being hyper-machiavellian in Ukraine.

    China and Russia signed the “No Limits” Treaty to take down America and the first phase was Russia attempting to seize Ukraine. Putin said 72 hours to Xi, here we are two plus years later.

    Ukraine has very effectively used small drones to hunt down Russian tanks. It is a bit horrifying - but do remember that running away is a hostile act in the Geneva Convention - one must make an attempt to surrender.

    The American DJI-like drones have been, “expensive, glitchy and hard to repair” according to the Wall Street Journal (this is behind a paywall)

    So China stepped in and is selling DJI drones at lesser cost to the Ukrainians while simultaneously being the number one arms provider to Russia (including the subordinate Chinese countries of North Korea and Iran).

    The American drones have largely used Chinese sourced parts - so perhaps the glitches have been intentional to undermine the American drone sales.

    The Russians have lashed together some pathetic field modifications to jam the immediate tactical environment, while their large and expensive A-50 radar planes could blanket whole swaths of territory - which is why the Ukrainians used creative means to take out two and maybe three of the five to seven existing A-50s.

    When the RF Spectrum is clear - the Ukrainians have destroyed Russian tanks and chased down and killed their fleeing crew members.

    Leading the Russians to do even crazier field modifications.

    Who’s the real winner in Ukraine?


    Reprinted with permission ColonelRetJohn Substack



    John Mills (Col, USA, Ret)

    COL (Ret) Mills impacted history since the Cold War to our fight to save our Republic. www.TheNationWillFollow.com documents my fight against the Deep State. War Against the Deep State out this fall.
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    Ah! China Trying to cut in on the CIA's grift..

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