Unconstitutional mandates and meaningless wars have caused tragic harm to thousands of service members. The military will suffer from lack of trust until those responsible are held accountable.

As a military officer from the state of Alabama, the controversy surrounding Senator Tommy Tuberville has provided particular intrigue. Senator Tuberville slowed the flag and general officer promotion process and contributed to a hold on the promotions of over 300 admirals and generals.
The three political appointees serving as the nation’s secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force wrote a joint opinion piece to decry Senator Tuberville’s actions as detrimental to national security. More recently, uniformed officers at the highest levels are now weighing in. These leaders claim that, in addition to national security concerns, the hold is damaging military personnel and their families.
Not everyone in the military agrees with the service secretaries or these publicly vocal admirals and generals. While the politics surrounding the situation are rightly the responsibility of others, it is past time to publish an analysis that focuses on actual warfighters and the public trust at stake...
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