This is real. This is a cybersecurity, law, policy, and roles and missions of the Federal Government. This is not a technology issue on how to take them down - that's easy.

A complex swarm of drones wanders at will over the largest American National Security Joint Base cluster. Langley Air Force Base, Ft. Eustis (now a joint base with Langley), Yorktown Naval Weapons Station, Norfolk Naval Station, Norfolk Naval Air Station, Little Creek Amphibious Base, Oceana Naval Air Station, Dam Neck Annex (Seal Team 6), etc. etc. etc.
This cluster of bases in Virginia is the largest single concentration of U.S. Military resources, units, and equipment. And someone just flew a drone swarm for 17 days as the Department of Defense and the Inter-Agency process went bonkers.
Step 1 on any new, complex, national security issue is answering this question: Who will be the lead Department or Agency to address the developing crisis?
I’m sure the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, the National Security Council, and the National Military Command Center were doing Cheetah Flips and Flap-Exs on steroids to answer this question. Well the threat actor flew for 17 days with no interruption.
Apparently they are inside our OODA-Loop and our inter-agency process is not fast or agile enough to take action.
Not good at all. Was it China or Iran? Likely