CNN is reporting the Biden administration is considering direct attacks on Iranian soil after the deaths of American troops in Jordan by a drone strike yesterday.
After admittedly leaving American forces exposed, and saying 'it's only a matter of time before they are killed,' Biden got his wish yesterday as American were murdered, and many more wounded.
Today Secretary of State Blinken said on the Middle East: "We have not seen a situation as dangerous as the one we're facing now across the region since at least 1973."
Blinken added that the U.S. military response to the deadly drone strike in Jordan "could be multi-leveled, come in stages, and be sustained over time."
The OBiden regime wants World War III.
It seems they are going to get it.
Spend time with your kids, they may not be around much longer.
Spineless biden may respond in a way that would usher in a greater crisis requiring martial law to be declared. Not because there is a real need to, rather, it will be done to make sure Trump never gets elected and the power and control remains in the hands of those who seek to destroy the America you know and love, forever.
I know this is a site for war issues, but I write to you in hopes you will forward a suggestion to the Trump campaign: when Biden touts BIDENOMICS, call it BIDANEMICS, instead. I have no website, and am not skilled in web matters, which is why I ask you to help me get this to Trump. I do leave you my name and email as requested.
It should be called Brandonomics!
Time to remove the regime. The US regime
That's why all military personnel should go AWOL at once.