"H.Res. 322., assuredly would increase the chances of the current limited war spilling into a global nuclear disaster.
In the interest of global security, the PIA seeks to prevent the escalation of the war in Ukraine and any potential nuclear conflict.
Instead, PIA wishes to promote international peace by calling for both sides – Russia and Ukraine- to promptly call for an unconditional ceasefire and make room for peace talks.
In doing so, the Alliance especially calls upon NATO members to immediately cease all forms of military aid to Ukraine and instead assist in peace negotiations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine."
A cease fire in the Russia-Ukraine conflict would benefit America and the world. It would not benefit the Globalists and corrupt officials pushing for war.
The Patriots International Alliance (PIA)
“Ending the Russia-Ukraine Conflict”
Dated May 11, 2023
On behalf of Global Humanitarian Crisis Prevention and Response UNIT &The Legacy National Security Advisory Group (US) - LNSAG
PIA Firmly Opposes H.Res. 322
On April 25th, House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Joe Wilson (SC-02) and Ranking Member Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09) introduced the Ukraine Victory Resolution in the House of Representatives under the reference H.Res. 322.
Then, U.S. Senators Blumenthal (CT), Whitehouse (RI), and Graham (SC), introduced the exact resolution in the Senate. The resolution states that U.S. policy ensures Ukraine’s victory against the Russian invasion and that if Ukraine fails to defeat Russia there, the U.S. Government will guarantee that Russia will be defeated in Ukraine.
We, the Patriot International Alliance is known as PIA, vehemently oppose such a resolution as it would directly lead to a devastating nuclear conflict opposing the United States of America to the Federation of Russia.
The Resolution states: “It is the policy of the United States to see Ukraine victorious against the invasion and restored to its internationally recognized 1991 borders.”
Demanding the implementation of such a policy translates as Russia returning territories, including Crimea, Donbas, Kherson, and Zaporizhya to allow for the restoration of 1991 borders.
The proposition is simply preposterous, ill-legitimate, short-sighted and, above all, perilous about the security of the United States demanding such a policy and the security of the world.
The Russian Special Military Operation was initiated under Article 51, which meant that Russia acted in self-defense. After the initial failed attempt to settle the situation by taking over Kyiv, the SMO was strategically limited to the Eastern Donbas Region.
A demand as the one proposed within the Bill H.Res. 322. is a severe escalatory step that would assure the ramping up of the war to an unprecedented level.
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President Putin supported by the Russian advisors, has maintained that in case of an existential threat to Russia, Russia will not hesitate to use nuclear weapons.
The H.Res. 322. is in no disguised manner a direct existential threat to Russia.
H.Res. 322., assuredly would increase the chances of the current limited war spilling into a global nuclear disaster.
In the interest of global security, the PIA seeks to prevent the escalation of the war in Ukraine and any potential nuclear conflict.
Instead, PIA wishes to promote international peace by calling for both sides – Russia and Ukraine- to promptly call for an unconditional ceasefire and make room for peace talks.
In doing so, the Alliance especially calls upon NATO members to immediately cease all forms of military aid to Ukraine and instead assist in peace negotiations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine.
Contacts for Further Information:
Laura Perry: Phone: +1 406 206 5301
Press Contact - [email protected]
Information – [email protected]
Great Article