There is another critical lesson from the Trump assassination attempt

@DLGaub on X
Something happened during the Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. But it is not what you might think. Yes, there was an assassination attempt, and it failed because of what appeared to be a miraculous intervention. There was also a culprit killed on-site by a counter-sniper. But which one? In some ways, it played out like a bad movie. However, many people missed something else in the heat of the moment. I have been sitting on some conclusions for a while in case something happened to prove me wrong. My findings have only grown more certain since that time.
CONCLUSION: The mainstream media lost the narrative faster than they could spin it because the best intelligence collection agency on earth took over. The American people. Each person with a cell phone is an intelligence collector and distributor.[i]
It reminds me of my military days when the saying “every Soldier is a sensor and ambassador” was often repeated. This mindset was necessary in a counter-insurgency environment, and today, it applies to all of us.
In Butler, 15,000 Americans recorded and reported everything. Their videos and voice recordings went viral and spread around the globe in minutes. Amateurs and professionals alike then analyzed them. Most people began with the assumption that anything from official government and mainstream media sources was wrong - or a lie. Highly trained snipers, as well as security experts like me, had near real-time information concerning the shooter’s location, the weather, and the location of members of law enforcement and other agencies. An initial picture of what happened was quickly developed from what was provided. Media outlets tried to keep up but failed. Instead, the people became the best source of intelligence and information for a nation needing to know what happened.
The ultimate conclusions formed by people concerning what happened in Butler are not the point of this article. The fact is that every American with a phone must continue to record and photograph everything they can and beat the government and media to the punch. If, as the Washington Post states, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” our Constitutional Republic will only survive because we expose the darkness to the light. We are not a Democracy, but that is a subject for another day.
The Washington Post is one of many card-carrying members of the darkness. The days of these few media outlets running with an approved version of the story are over. We must drive the narrative and pursue the truth at all costs. We must mount up as an army of whistleblowers, exposing every entity or person for what it is or what they are, good or bad.
There are risks, as there always are. Some will form conclusions too early and from too little information. Some will spread rumors based on a lone source of information without finding additional sources or vetting the information. But we know that our government will lie to us, and we must overcome that.
How, you might ask, can we improve upon this powerful trend, given the wealth of information at our fingertips? First, do not run from it, but also ensure discipline in your beliefs and what you share. As a man of faith, I rely heavily on the discernment of the Holy Spirit, as nothing remains hidden from God. In this regard, I am far from perfect, and I also seek accountability through a professional organization I co-founded called Restore Liberty.
Through Restore Liberty’s team, working with a coalition of groups nationally and internationally, our willingness to work together to expose evil has some meaningful results. Here are two prime examples:
· The nation became more aware of the type of people coming across our borders and the threat they posed. This effort involved at least four groups coming together, gathering, and sharing intelligence. Then, the Restore Liberty Co-founders went on national media to blow it open and bring in other sources from around the world to show the scale of the evil since it is the same tactic used in Europe, but much more advanced.
· We exposed the scale of Chinese land (and commodity) purchases nationwide, some of which were near military installations. Not only is China directly purchasing land, but it is also controlling it through multiple shell corporations or other entities, thus giving the appearance of ownership by allied countries when, in fact, the thread goes back to Beijing and the Chinese Communist Party. Our efforts resulted in trusted agents in the American intelligence community paying attention to this problem and broadcasting it for all to see. To support this effort, we submitted a thirty-page report to Congress.
I could provide many more examples of what the Restore Liberty team accomplished over the last five years, but those two are enough to prove my point.
This is why we are working to build a national network of State Directors and County Guardians. Imagine 3,243 counties, each with a dedicated Guardian, spending time digging into their local governments, businesses, and schools to expose evil, magnify the good, and bring to light things so many would prefer to remain in darkness and unaccountable.
We are blessed to have so many people from all walks of life to help make this happen. Sheriffs, home school parents, tech entrepreneurs, foreign correspondents, former intelligence agency professionals, retired Federal Marshals, critical infrastructure specialists, security company managers, military of all branches, and so much more. Most importantly, people like you who are willing to make a difference by spending your time doing things that matter.
Check us out at

[i] For all the intelligence-trained people out there, please accept my oversimplification. As an intelligence-trained military officer, I know the difference between intelligence and information, and the need for verifiable sourcing. To dive into that rabbit hole would have been to miss the point.
Thankyou! As they join you may they also become a believer in Jesus to God’s joy and honor.