Senator Lindsey Graham has long been a warmonger pushing for war with Iran. Along with John Bolton and others, it is obvious their dream has been to involve the United States in a massive global war emanating from the Middle East.
Somehow, these vipers are incentivized for this outcome.
The reason Donald Trump was removed from the presidency through massive, well-planned and executed election fraud, was primarily because he was ending American overseas military involvement, not enabling it.
When President* Joe Biden was selected and installed, Katy Bar the Door -- the wars magically popped off, didn't they?
With the specter of another term for Trump, the likelihood of WWIII is now greater than ever, as time is running out for the globalist fever dream, a global conflagration to allow the emergence of a world government, in a much depopulated world.
In fact, I would argue it is being planned and orchestrated, even choreographed, right before our very eyes.
Do you remember the salivating, cherubic face of Speaker Mike Johnson when he finally pushed the Ukraine aid bill through Congress?
He was like a little boy who got to see his toys the day before Christmas under his parent's bed. Happiness oozed from his pores.
The same giddiness exudes from the halls of Congress as more and more American men and women are thrown into harms way in the Mediterranean and elsewhere in the region, none of which is required by treaty, but is required by some other force controlling our Congress and Executive Branch.
As we speak, another carrier battle group is on its way to the Middle East.
I spent time with a legit exorcist Catholic priest yesterday whom I respect; his message to me was -- "God is angry and will punish humanity, just make sure you will go to Heaven when the time comes."
This is Biblical theater playing out as we watch from our living rooms.
The dark lord thinks he will win on earth; he won't, of course. But the near term reality for the human race will be very difficult.
And, the legacy media is doing its best to distract from this reality with the satanic Olympics and the Kamala follies.

Sounds like you were talking to Fr. Ripperger.