KYIV – In this article we would like to review the recent news that Minister of Defense of Ukraine Igor Reznikov will be sent to the UK as an Honorary Ambassador.
You will be disgusted with such news.
The news came from the UNIAN, a Ukrainian state-owned news agency:
“Reznikov will leave the post of head of the Ministry of Defense, probably as early as next week
This was announced by the People’s Deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak.
Reznikov’s place will be replaced by the head of the State Property Fund Rustem Umerov, and the defense minister will take the post of ambassador to the UK. Who will replace Umerov as head of the department is still unknown.
According to Zheleznyak, the rotation should take place in the first week of September, and some embassies have already warned about such an early decision.”

Photo of Rustam Umerov
UA Telegram Account
We would like to warn about the candidacy of Rustam Umerov. He is involved in several frauds related to real estate in Kyiv and Crimea. He is connected close to the criminal oligarch Rinat Akhmetov.
Reznikov declares he is “not aware” of his possible appointment as Ukraine’s ambassador to the UK. “Not as I know,” he said in a comment to Babel.
It’s amazing how this person behaves while being a minister and being accused and caught by the hand when he stole budgetary money from the government.
We would like you to take at the photos below and see for yourself.

Photo of Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov Aleksei and Inspector General from the USA Robert Storch from the Pentagon.

Let’s review who is Reznikov, Aleksei and question why he is such an important person to be sent to the UK as an ambassador?
Who is Reznikov, Aleksei?
He is a long-term career lawyer from Lviv and Kyiv. He served the oligarchs and shady state officials for more than 30 years of his career. He reportedly made the money while consulting shady gas-related transactions in a corrupted state-owned company called Naftogas. You might say: “not caught, not a criminal”. We do not agree with you.
He was not caught because he facilitated the scheme of black transactions for criminals who laundered money in the state-owned enterprise that was created with the only purpose – to launder the money with the state-owned gas pipes and gas.
Later after consulting Naftogas and other oligarchs, having a reputation of a compromised lawyer, Reznikov found a job in KMDA – Kyiv City Municipal Administration. That’s just 1 building from the Naftogas building. Very near. Let’s check the web-site of the Kyiv City Administration.
Now let’s check this information from the investigative journalists in Kyiv:
“While in the civil service at the Kyiv City State Administration, Reznikov’s activities repeatedly came under the scrutiny of the public in connection with the so-called “land deribans”, the pushing through of some scandalous bills and violations of the public procurement procedure. For example, and. O. director of the KP “KG TIC” Maxim Melnikov, who was charged with violating the Law on Public Procurement, said that he had been issued a written permission from the deputy heads of the KSCA Gennady Plis and Alexei Reznikov to pay for the necessary types of services without using the Prozorro e-procurement system. Source: https://znaj.ua/ru/dossier/514-oleksiy-yuriyovich-reznikov#kompromat-i-sluhi
We know too well, why and what was a reason to hire Reznikov for the Kyiv State City Administration. Reasons were: cover up shyster transactions with the Kyiv City Investments department, Kyiv City Construction Department, Kyiv City Districts construction departments, Kyiv City Land Permits’ Department. Reznikov was a professional who covered up the questions of illegal construction permits and illegal investments in Kyiv city. Basically, he was hired for what he can do best – “illegal legalization of shyster schemes” that involve state and municipal budgets. Elaborate schemes were used to issue illegal permits for construction, rent, placement of business, placement of business centers, parking lots, carwash, etc. According to the people who told us about such schemes in Kyiv, the ranges of bribes for licenses and permits for real estate, ecology, rent of municipal property are estimated from 10 thousand dollars to millions of US dollars. The kickbacks for construction in Kyiv are estimated at 10-20% from the cost of construction.
Scandals in the Ministry of Defense involving the Minister Reznikov, Aleksei
A man with a reputation of a shyster-lawyer was hired as the Minister of Defense of Ukraine during the war with Russia. How did it happen? How did the national security office allow this to happen? We do not know.
Everything was predictable. It’s like allowing a fox into the chicken house. The scandals with the bribes and kickbacks started just several months after Reznikov assumed his position in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (MOU).
Eggs for 17 UAH (0.5 USD/egg) instead of 5 UAH per piece
We would like to point your attention that the Inspectors and the Ambassador Brink are fully aware of the reputation of Aleksei Reznikov and the corruption and thievery that is going on in Ukraine under the guidance and full control of Aleksei Reznikov.
Let’s check the direct speech from the Ambassador Brink in the following article and examples.
Yuriy Nikolov showed the figures of how the prices for products are adjusted in the contracts of the Ministry of Defense and the State Border Control.
Let’s compare the prices at the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (MO) and the State Border Control (DPSU).
Chicken thighs MO – 120 UAH / kg, and DPSU – 51-78 UAH / kg;
Potatoes 22 UAH/kg for MO and 6.90 for DPSU;
Cabbage: UAH 30/kg for MO and 9.93-17.00 for DPSU;
Beetroot: 25 UAH/kg for MO and 6.00-13.50 for DPSU;
Onions: 42 UAH/kg for MO and 17.00-26.00 for DPSU;
Buckwheat: 83 UAH/kg for MO and 53.10-56.20 for DPSU;
Oil: 109 UAH/kg for MO and 58.69 for DPSU.
Eggs, from the Ministry of Defense, according to Nikolov, purchased for 17 hryvnias a piece, DPSU contracted for 5.10-6.60 hryvnias.
“Three lads are fighting near the dry trenches, and in the trenches, the stench is the same. But the purchasing prices were different,– Yuri Nikolov.
With all the prices of the chicken, delivery costs are less than the store ones. There are no store charges in wholesale deliveries. There are no marketing fees for the police. The variance of delivery from the grocery base to the local warehouse is sewn up, and so is the delivery from the grocery base to the store.
Against the backdrop of high-profile resignations in the Ukrainian government and corruption scandals (https://t.me/stranaua/87215), the “auditors” from the United States arrived in Kyiv.
US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland announced a visit of the inspectors from the USA to check Ukraine’s military spending.
“The administration remains focused on preventing the misuse of aid or weapons. We are working with the World Bank, Deloitte and a team of US government auditors who are in Kiev this week,” she said.
The next day, American Ambassador Bridget Brink announced the arrival in Kyiv of inspectors from three departments – the State Department, the Pentagon and the state agency USAID.

Brink posted a joint photo with three inspectors.

The status of the guests turned out to be the highest — the inspectors general of all three departments themselves arrived in Ukraine. Nicole Angarella from USAID, Diana Shaw from the State Department and Robert Storch from the Pentagon (Defense Minister Reznikov, who recently got into a scandal with food purchases, has already reported on the meeting with him for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at inflated prices).
Source: https ://t.me/stranaua/87421
At the same time, the same infographics appeared on the websites of all three inspectorates in Ukrainian and English. There is an appeal to report any information about the misappropriation of American aid to the indicated phones.
“We advise you to confidentially report any suspicious activity related to the programs or operations of the US Department of Defense, the US Department of State (including the US Agency for Global Media) and the US Agency for International Development to the appropriate hotline,” the announcement says.
In other words, American auditors directly urge Ukrainians to inform them about abuses by representatives of the Ukrainian authorities in the use of American assistance.
March 24, 2023, 09:49
The United States should support Ukraine in “established and approved institutions”.
The US Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink commented on the scandal with purchases of the Ministry of Defense. She declared there is no place in the future for people who misuse the resources of Ukraine.
“The USA fully supports Ukraine in your struggle for your future. The people of Ukraine have the right to choose their future. There can be no place in the future Ukraine for those who use state resources for their own enrichment. State resources should serve the people. People should understand their responsibility to each other and to the state. And these are not empty words. These are words that have deep roots in the values that Ukraine supports in its efforts to be part of the Euro-Atlantic society,” said the ambassador.
Brigid Brink is convinced that the support and order of Ukraine are mobilizing after the lessons of the past.
“The United States will continue to support Ukraine’s efforts to implement and establish institutions that will work for the interests of the many, not the few,” she added.
The appointment of a criminal to the government post is a criminal act. Those who appoint criminals to the government post know what they are doing and why they do this. We are sure that there is no place for criminals in the Ministry of Defense in a country that is torn by the war. There is no such competence that can justify the hiring of shyster criminal lawyers (Reznikov) or shady shyster real estate speculator with ties to criminal oligarchs (Rustam Umerov).
We would like to raise questions to relevant government bodies in the USA, the UK and Ukraine why such people get the posts and even are viewed as candidates for government posts.
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