Not good and not a UFO distraction story

Langley Air Force Base, Virginia is one of our F-22 bases. The F-22 Wing at Langley (the historic 1st Fighter Wing) deploys detachments around the world and also have a secondary National Capital Region defense mission for Washington D.C. when they aren’t deployed or being maintained. The 1st FW also deployed a two ship formation to shoot the Chinese Spy Balloon in the back as it left the United States over South Carolina (F-22s in Alaska should have shot the Chinese Spy Balloon in the face when it entered U.S. Territory in the Aleutian Islands - but that’s another Biden failure).
This story about drones over Langley has some merit and should not be confused with the UFO obsession that is in some ways a Deep State distraction story. Newport News (where Langley AFB is at) and the general Virginia Beach area is one of the largest military base clusters in the world.
A foreign power surveilling the base with simple drones could also conduct a quick dash with thermite grenades and decimate the exposed F-22s at Langley and take out these aircraft that are small in number (about 180), very expensive to operate, but feared by the Chinese. There are no hardened aircraft shelters at Langley, the F-22s sit out in the open or in hangers, that are fire traps if ignited. More to follow on this story.
I don't know: Didn't the US just fire missiles on Russia? I'm talking it's home land? With Patriot missiles repurposed for ground attack? A blatant Act of War? Well, if they did, all bets are off now. We'd be lucky they didn't take out Langley, wouldn't we? Four or five S-550 missiles would be more than enough. And what air defense does Langley even have? Better than we sent to Ukraine I hope.
With Joe Biden in charge, what possibly can go wrong?….😁